Hi, everyone! I've been begging to go outside all week, but Mommie has had to work and she doesn't let me go outside without close supervision. (Sigh.) And Mommie's friend, whom I call Daddy, doesn't think that I should EVER get to go outside. (Another sigh.) But TODAY, Mommie heeded my cries and let me go out on the deck. It is snowing!
This is not the first time that I've been out in the snow, but today it just seemed so much colder.
Emerson's Blog
15 years ago
Emerson, you look gorgeous with the sprinkling of snow on your furs.
Woo are sooooooo purry lukhky!
Snow on your furs!
I saw flurries and that has been it fur me today!
Woo have some furry smart humans there!
You are so beautifully floofy Emerson.
We don't often get snow, but when we do, we also have found it to be very cold.
Wow are you lucky!! Didn't that make your paws cold or do your fluffy paws not get cold?
Oh, you look so festive with your sprinkles of snow in your furrs!
I hope spring comes soon too. I want open windows again!
Hi Emerson *waves paws*
I love the picture of you and your mommie. When I cam to your bloggie I thought.... hmmmm I know some other cats that used to live in Manassas but they went to the bridge and are with Caesar and Prinnie now... then ta-daaa there you are. You are living with their mommie. This is so wonderful.
I love your furs. Yes, you do look like RW Emerson! sticking similarities indeed
Lucky you get to go out with supervision... well, I am a fraidykitty so I do not want to go out ever. You are brave and I think you have a very fancy coat.
bonkieheadbonks for a very happy day.
Hi Emerson
Nice to see you playing in the snow :-)
I don't like snow its to cold for my toes ........ LOL
Hugs Love Kareltje =^.^=
Oh Emerson, yoo are soooooooo cute! Did yoo take lotsa cute pills when yoo wure borned? Enjoy the snow but come back inside whare its warm and thares foods!
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We also got snow and it was COLD. Only Trouble was brave enough to walk in it. Today is a nice spring day here in Georgia. Come over and play!
Hey, we gave you an award. Stop by the pick it up!
The Crew
Hi Emmerson! It's nice that you can get a little outside time and enjoy the snow (brrr). Stay close to your Mom and your Daddy will calm down about it. You look gorgeous with the snow sprinkles on your back, a real snow cat!
Whicky Wuudler
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