Hi Emerson! I'm so glad that your momma got you your furry own blog for ChristMAUS. You're gonna love havin' your own forum to discuss your adventures. Pumpkin wants you to know that he's happy that you're orinch, too ...
Our card arrived today thank you. It probably would have arrived last Thursday but we didn't get any post because of the icy road and the man in bloo shorts couldn't get to us, so today is the first day since Wednesday.
I was adopted from a shelter as a kitten. I had a lot of health problems, but I also have lots of love to give and I purr a lot. Little Nicky came to live with us and I think she's okay as a sister.
What a present, your own blog.
Merry Christmas to you and your Mommie!
Merry Christmas Emerson and mum. You are a handsome ginger kitty.
Happy HOWLidays to ALL of WOO!
Khyra & Her Mom
Merry Chrissymouse Emerson and mummy!
Alla Us Hotties
Merry Christmas Emerson!
Krap! I hoped I mite git t the ferst comment on yeer blog! I'm so glad yoo got one! And that's a grate foto of yoo and yer mom and da grinch!
Merry Christmas!!
Happy Merry Christmas to you!
Merry, Merry Christmas!
Hi Emerson! I'm so glad that your momma got you your furry own blog for ChristMAUS. You're gonna love havin' your own forum to discuss your adventures. Pumpkin wants you to know that he's happy that you're orinch, too ...
Merry ChristMAUS an' a Happy New Year, too!
DMM and the Feline Americans (an' Jessica, too)
We didn't know you had initials! You are quite a special cat and we will follow you here, too. Purry Meowlidays to you!
Your own blog! How fun is that?
We hope that you both had a wonderful Christmas!
Hi Emerson, it's good to see you have your own blog now.
Our card arrived today thank you. It probably would have arrived last Thursday but we didn't get any post because of the icy road and the man in bloo shorts couldn't get to us, so today is the first day since Wednesday.
Hi Emerson!! We are so glad to see you and your mom smiling.
We wish you a healthy and happy new year 2010!
You look so cute Emerson! Hope you had a wonderful Chistmas! May you all have a very happurry mew year! Twenty-Ten is going to be fantastic!
hope your hollydays were great!
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